Thursday, October 31, 2019
What are the principal institutions of the European Union To what Assignment
What are the principal institutions of the European Union To what extent do these institutions engage with the sources of EU law - Assignment Example The parliament runs for a period of five years and then elections held. The origin of the European Union was the steel and coal community. Its formulation took place in 1950s and has grown tremendously to what called the European Union. The administration of the European Union cannot be done by a single body but a series of institutions. They have recorded growth since 1960s. In these institutions, there are three political bodies which have the legislative and executive power in the Union (Peterson and Shackleton 2012, p. 115). One of the bodies that form the European Union is the parliament. It is in Strasburg basis, and it is an elected body. The members of this body also called the MEPs for the members of the European parliament. The voters of the member states elect these members. However, there is no seriousness among the citizens in voting these members and law turn out can be put in records. The European Union is a consultant body and not a legislative body. It consultation on the issues that influence changes and also policy suggestion lies on this body. However, it cannot introduce these policies. This can only be done by the commission. The parliament holds two powers, but it is almost unlikely that they can ever practice them. The parliament has the power to dispose the budget, but this could be difficult with the centralized currency. It would stop all the tasks of the union and break the whole idea of working together of the European countries. When crashes between the two bodies occur it woul d give an advantage to the anti European countries. This is as a result of weakening of the fabric (Peterson and Shackleton 2012, p. 117). Another power that is in possession of the parliament is the right to dismantle the commission. If two thirds of the members of parliament vote for this, it could happen. The results of this would be huge chaos, and they cannot allow it to happen. The parliaments memberââ¬â¢s election is for a term of five
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Weaknesses and impact of Education administration Essay
The Weaknesses and impact of Education administration - Essay Example As a result, there have been various policies, as well as reforms that have been advocated so as to improve education and foster economic capacity. All these efforts are an acknowledgement of the existent education disparities. However, there are still a lot that is needed to realize the potential. In some cases, education has been presented to serve a purpose that is opposite the intended one. According to CORI Justice, Education can be a powerful force in counteracting inequality and poverty but in many ways, the present education system has quite the opposite effect' (socio-Economic Review 2008). As far education disparities along the racial lines are concerns, the achievements between the native and the non-native populations is widely inferred. Indeed, it is agreeable that there have been disparities between the aboriginal and the non-aboriginal groups for quite some time. These disparities have been described as the legacy of colonialism. Colonization processes are associated w ith profound consequences on the colonized societies. Colonial legacies, which now come in the form of government policies, have seen individuals disperse from the tribal and clan inclinations. The eventuality of this has been the continuous fragmentation of the cultures belonging to the aboriginal people. There have been concerns that the fragmentation of culture and the struggle to adapt to the new way of life has been accompanied by social, as well as economic instability. As such, the disintegration of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Stakeholders
Corporate Social Responsibility Stakeholders This particular paper is based on the stakeholders perspective towards a CSR. The arguments in this paper include the stakeholder theory, stakeholders and CSR relations and finally the stakeholders perspective on CSR. Corporate social responsibility has evolved as a global phenomenon that encompasses businesses, consumers, governments, and civil society, and many organizations. There are various definitions proposed by various researchers for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), but still it remains an uncertain and is poorly defined with few explanations. First, the issues that a CSR must address should be easily interpreted so that it includes virtually everyone and everything. Second, with its unique, often particular characteristics, different stakeholder groups tend to focus only on specific issues that they believe are the most appropriate and relevant in organizations corporate social responsibility programs. Thus, the beliefs about what constitutes a socially responsible and sustainable organization depend on the perspective of the stakeholder.à This will be further elaborated in the later parts of the paper. Defining Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholders Although the most basic of definition CSR describes it as a social obligation for an organization (Bowen, 1953), which is conceptually and operationally diverse. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication Making Good Business Senseà by Lord Holme and Richard Watts, used the following definition (Mallens CSR blog). Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. Stakeholders are described broadly by Freeman and Reed (1983) as any identifiable group or individual who can affect the achievement of an organizations objectives or who is affected by the achievement of an organizations objectives. In other words, aà person,à group, or organization that has direct or indirect stake in an organization because it can affect or be affected by theà organizationsà actions,à objectives, andà policies. Key stakeholders in a business organisation include creditors, customers, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources. Although stake-holding is usually self-legitimizing (those whoà judgeà themselves to be stakeholders are stakeholder), all stakeholders are not equal and different stakeholders are entitled to different considerations. For example, a companys customers are entitled to fair tradingà practicesà but they are not entitled to the same consideration as the companys employees. Stakeholder Theory As noted previously, the term stakeholder stands for concerned constituencies who are affected by or able to affect a corporation (Freeman Reed, 1983). Stakeholder as an umbrella term for groups with a vested interest in an organization includes customers, employees, business partners, communities, investors and the environment. The theoretical framework of this paper reflecting stakeholders perspective is thus based primarily on stakeholder theory. Stakeholder theory of the firm proposes that the nature of an organizations stakeholders, their values, their relative influence on decisions and the nature of the situation are all relevant information for predicting organizational behaviour and outcomes (Brenner and Cochran, 1991). The objectives of a corporation can only be achieved by protecting and balancing the interests of these different groups of stakeholders. The pluralistic nature of stakeholder theory is based on the notion that there are many groups in society besides owners and employees to whom the corporation is responsible (Freeman, 1999). As a descriptive theory, stakeholder theory has been used to describe the nature of the firm (Brenner and Cochran, 1991), management of corporations, and how board directors think about the interests of corporate constituencies. From an instrumental perspective , the theory is used to identify the connection between stakeholder management and the achievement of corporate social responsibility (Kotter and Heskett, 1992). In this respect, the theory can be regarded as a perspective of the firm that focuses on the question of which stakeholders deserve or require management attention. Concern for Stakeholders The concern for stakeholders by corporate leaders is expected to have a significant influence on the formulation and implementation of a firms strategy (Frooman, 1991). Such a concern will also have significant impact on how the strategies an organization uses to deal with multiple stakeholders will change as the organization evolves through the stages of formation, growth, maturity, and decline or revival. This will provide a relevant framework for assessing the roles, rights, responsibilities, and legitimacies of different actors in the interaction between organizations and their environment (Freeman, 1999). The concern for stakeholders by corporate directors has some important implications for corporate governance. Corporations can be more responsive to the interests of society as a whole by incorporating the participation of stakeholders in their boards of directors. The stakeholder approach to the role of the governing board expects the organization leaders, such as corporate di rectors, to negotiate and compromise with stakeholders in the interest of the corporation. Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility The prevalence of stakeholder theory is grounded in the belief that CSR-stakeholder relationships are the essential assets that corporates must manage. While CSR aims to define what responsibilities business ought to fulfil, the stakeholder concept addresses the issue of whom business is or should be accountable to. Both concepts are closely inter-related. However, while the CSR concept still suffers from a level of abstraction, the stakeholder approach offers a practical alternative for assessing the performance of firms as well as the key stakeholder groups. Stakeholder theory has accordingly witnessed a new revival and dominance in the context of CSR. Brenner and Chochran suggested as early as 1991 that stakeholder theory holds the promise of becoming the theoretical centre-piece in a field that is searching for workable paradigms. Doh and Guay (2006) similarly find the adoption of a stakeholder model as a potentially appropriate and insightful theoretical lens, given its ability to systematically identify social stakeholder issues, and establish specific measures of performance. An organizations stakeholder management data can thus be gathered and compared to other firms within and across industries, making social auditing for internal and external use both practical and possible. Along these lines, this paper has tried to make the case for a stakeholder approach to CSR, by arguing that: (1) Stakeholder theory in all its three veins or branches can bring to the fore a set of new insights for CSR academics and practitioners; (2) The language of stakeholder theory is easy to grasp by corporates as most firms understand and define obligations and responsibilities as well as their traditional stakeholders; and (3) Stakeholder theory seems easier to plan in collecting and analysing CSR data as evidenced by the proliferation of empirical studies that have essentially integrated a stakeholder approach to CSR. It thus increasingly represents a concrete alternative to traditional models. It is also noticed that the stakeholder management is affected by the relational attributes of stakeholders and the pressures they can exert on corporations, while also noting the increased proficiency of corporates in balancing a broader range of stakeholder interests. CSR in the Stakeholders Perspective Corporate now has spent decades to promote not only a firms economic but also a social responsibility. This challenged a discussion in corporations what corporate responsibility should be. In the past, the CSR approach was useful to foster these important discussions and thus it is important to analyse it from different perspectives, for what CSRs should be responsible. It seems that the CSR responsibilities are not very promising to understand real-world situations for three main reasons. First, the concept of CSR itself is not distinguishable as most decisions of businesses are not purely economic, legal, ethical, or philanthropic. Consequently and by agreeing with Freeman (1994), the separation of economic and social responsibilities to which the CSR approach contributes is rejected. Second, another argument raised by Freeman (2004) against the CSR concept comes in the form of a risk that business could treat their CSR activities as moral substitutes to compensate for other irresp onsible activities. And third, we argue that the general responsibilities implied by the CSR approach cant neither account for the specificity of an individual firm nor for the specific stakeholder network where it is embedded in. Summing up, it can be claimed, similar to Freeman (2004) that corporate responsibility should refer to a firms strategically relevant stakeholders. Thus, mainly the instrumental framework of the stakeholders view, that sees strategic stakeholders as the core of corporate wealth creation. Within the stakeholder view, stakeholders can be defined as all individuals and constituencies that contribute, either voluntarily or involuntarily, to its wealth-creating capacity and activities, and are therefore its potential beneficiaries and/or risk bearers. Based on this definition the stakeholders can be distinguished in four categories: benefit-providers/receivers and/or risk-providers/bearers. This comprehensive stakeholder perspective not only considers resource-based (e.g. employees, investors) and market-based stakeholders (e.g. customers, business partners, competitors) but also social and political stakeholders (e.g. government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) media). The stakeholder view framework is used here because its normative core i.e., a comprehensive understanding of property rights is one of the most important principles of our society (Friedman, 1970). The stakeholder view enhances the idea of property right to not only those parties who provide financial resources but also to all those that contribute other firm-specific investments such as knowledge, networks etc. We argue that such a consideration of stakeholders as those individuals and groups that contribute to the firms wealth creation process can serve as a useful foundation for thinking about corporate responsibilities. It is thereby important that this wealth creation process is not viewed in a one-sided fashion from the corporations perspective, but also from the stakeholders perspective. The corporation is only legitimized in its existence if it creates wealth for and with its strategic stakeholders. Therefore in the stakeholder view, the origin for the responsibility concerning firms stakeholders is based on their existence and position within the corporate wealth creation process. In the stakeholder view, the stakeholders ought to participate because corporate wealth distribution is organized according to the stakeholders contributions and their risk adoption in the wealth creation process. Similar to the shareholders who are compensated for the use of their capital and the risk involved, all other relevant stakeholders ought to be included in the wealth distribution. After the expenditures have been compensated according to the complete contracts, a residual profit emerges from which not only the shareholders, but also all other strategically relevant stakeholders should benefit. In reality, the assessment of all these values is not necessarily predetermined. Rather, scopes of discretion exist, as can be experienced in determining the compensation of shareholders. Thus, the dissemination of residual profits to the stakeholders is subject to scope of discretion. Summing up, the stakeholder view claims for a corporate responsibility that takes into account stakeholders contributions to the corporate wealth creation process. Therefore, the firm is responsible to reduce risk and increase benefits for stakeholders at one side but also for a fair distribution of benefits at the other side.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Macbeth Issues Essay -- essays research papers
In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Macbeth, there are many issues that may have had an affect on the play. The complex marriage between the power hungry Macbeths, lady Macbethââ¬â¢s dominant character directing Macbeth in the murders, the role reversal during the murders, Macbethââ¬â¢s reaction to his wifeââ¬â¢s death, and male and female marriages for authority. When analyzed these issues help describe the Macbethââ¬â¢s relationship. They are the very issues that eventually lead to the ââ¬Å"Great Tragedyâ⬠. The relationship of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is a complex one. Macbeth in the beginning does not come across to us as dominant. He more so looks to Lady Macbeth for comfort, assurance, and direction.â⬠â⬠¦ Go get some water And wash your hand. Why did you bring these daggers from the palace? They must lie there. Go, carry them and smear The sleepy grooms with blood.â⬠(Act II, Scene 2) Here Lady Macbeth directs Macbeth what to do after the murder of Duncan. Lady Macbeth takes control of their situation. â⬠Lady Macbeth brought a directness, a practicality, an inability to see difficulties in a good causeâ⬠. Says Barbara Everette in ââ¬Å"Macbeth As A Married Coupleâ⬠. This shows how much Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s views were a major part in their relationship. Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth corrupted their relationship with their struggle for power. They both felt the need for authority, which as a result lead to their downfall. In the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth comes across to us as evil-willed and ready to do any and everyt...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Planet of Life: Apes to Man
ROSE ANN A. ORATE No. 5026 Purok 5, Brgy. Kias Baguio City Contact nos. : 09174233048/ (074) 442-00-03 CAREER OBJECTIVES * To obtain a position as an online ESL teacher and help students learn English in an informative and interesting manner. * To improve a studentââ¬â¢s standards of English so that he/ she will be able to socialize easily in a foreign country. SEMINARS/TRAININGS ATTENDED 2006 Peace Tech conference: Overcoming prejudice towards young Muslims, indigenous peoples and Christians Saint Louis University Bonifacio Street, Baguio CityTraining on Basic Life Support: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Foreign Airway Obstruction Management NC-CLEX. INC (American Safety and Health Institute Accredited) CAP Building, Upper Session Road, Baguio City Training on Advanced Cardiac Life Support NC-CLEX. INC (American Safety and Health Institute Accredited) CAP Building, Upper Session Road, Baguio City Training on Basic Electrocardiography: Introduction to Arrhythmia Recognition NC- CLEX. INC (American Safety and Health Institute Accredited) CAP Building, Upper Session Road, Baguio CitySeminar on the Clinical Updates on: Acute Coronary Syndromes NC-CLEX. INC (American Safety and Health Institute Accredited) CAP Building, Upper Session Road, Baguio City Seminar on the 6th Regional Nursing Research Congress with the theme: ââ¬Å"Exploring Professional Nursing Career: Opportunities and Directionsâ⬠Saint Louis University Bonifacio Street, Baguio City Seminar on the 12th Regional Nursing Research Congress Saint Louis UniversityBonifacio Street, Baguio City Seminar on ââ¬Å"Understanding Specialization in Nursingâ⬠Saint Louis University Bonifacio Street, Baguio CitySeminar on ââ¬Å"Conquering the Master Controller: Neurology Basicsâ⬠Cooledge Review Center Romulo Hall, Teacherââ¬â¢s Camp, Baguio City Seminar on ââ¬Å"The Art of Psychiatry: The Beautiful Mindâ⬠Cooledge Review Center Romulo Hall, Teacherââ¬â¢s Camp, Baguio City SKILLS I nterpersonal Skills: * Personable worker whose strengths include cultural sensitivity and an ability to build rapport with a diverse workforce in multicultural settings. * Empathetic to studentââ¬â¢s situation * Caring to student's needs * A good studentââ¬â¢s advocate * Good interfacing skills * Attentive to details Patient, committed, responsible and dependable Other Relevant Skills: * Ability to work under pressure without affecting performance * Adaptable to any kind of environment * Computer- literate: having a knowledge on variety of applications * Highly motivated self-starter who takes initiative with minimal supervision. * Resourceful team player who excels at building trusting relationships * Productive worker with solid work ethic who exerts optimal effort in successfully completing tasks. * Competent and works efficiently * Honest and dedicated to work PERSONAL DATADate of Birth: April 5, 1991 Place of Birth: Baguio City Civil Status: Single Height: 5ââ¬â¢1â⬠Weight: 45 kg Citizenship: Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic Father: Reenan R. Orate Mother: Rosemarie A. Orate EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Elementary: Mary Immaculate School Baguio City Inc. and High School Department (MISBCI) General Luna Road, Baguio City Year Graduated: 2004 Achievements: Grade 3: 2nd place-Declamation Contest Honor pupil Grade6: 1st place- Tula Competition held at YMCA 3rd place- Gantimpala ng Sabayang Pag-awit President of the Dramatic Club GSP Troop LeaderHigh School: Saint Louis University Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Navy Base Road, Baguio City Year Graduated: 2007 Achievements: 1st year: 2nd place- Declamation Contest 2nd year: 1st honorable mention 3rd year: 5th honorable mention 4th year: Graduated with honors College: Saint Louis University (SLU) Bonifacio Road, Baguio City Course/ Degree: Bachelor of Science in Nursing Year Graduated: 2011 Achievements: Deanââ¬â¢s list from 1st year (1st semester and 2nd semester), 2nd year (1st semester and 2nd s emester) and 3rd year (2nd semester) CHARACTER REFERENCES Mrs. Ria Joy PadillaClinical Instructor Saint Louis University Contact no. : 09287872862 Mr. Mark Kimo Jr. Clinical Instructor Saint Louis University Contact no. : 09275082744 Mr. KB de Ocampo Clinical Instructor Saint Louis University Contact no. : 09228150211 Mr. Red Capuyan Clinical Instructor Saint Louis University Contact no. : 09159153012 I would be willing to work for your institution and I will do my best to support and give my service to people. I shall be available for a personal interview at your most convenient time. I hope for your kind consideration. Thank you. ___________________ ROSE ANN A. ORATE
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cheif Joseph’s Speech
Speech by Chief Joseph Summary: Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Indian tribe is trying to persuade the American people that they should try to change their ways. He does not feel as though they are being treated equally. The American government is pushing them to live in the places they demand. Chief Joseph gives a speech persuading the Americans that it is possible for the two conflicting groups of people to live in peace and get along. He just wants his people to be treated fairly without causing harm and preventing future harm. Causes: There are many different reasons that caused the Americans to continue to govern the Indians in an unfair way. First, they were showing a misuse of authority. They believed they could overpower the Indians and tell them what to do without even considering making peace with them. Also, the Americans had a great deal of ethnocentrism. They believed that their way of ruling was correct without exceptions. Since the Indians were different in their culture and the way they lived, Americans considered them to be ââ¬Å"wrongâ⬠. So they put forth the effort to change the Indians so they were ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠, which was the way Americans wanted them to live. Personal thoughts: I believe that Chief Joseph used many rhetorical appeals and other devices in his speech which helped make it more convincing. His use of logic and emotion makes his point of view very appealing. The use of repetition really helped get his point across and the use of ethos, pathos, and logos made his side a lot more believable because it makes you think and eventually realize that his speech makes sense and it leads you to agree with what he is saying.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Dally Oustiders Essays
Dally Oustiders Essays Dally Oustiders Paper Dally Oustiders Paper When Pony describes him, he writes, He had been arrested, he got drunk, he rode in rodeos, lied, cheated, stole, rolled drunks, Jumped small kids he did everything. I didnt like him, but he was smart, and you had to respect him(13). Evidently Dally is dangerous. He is also intelligent by means of law-breaking. The record he built has proved that he does not respect anyone. In fact, he does not even respect the law. For example, when Pony, Johnny, and Dally go to the theater, Pony writes, We all had money to get in it only costs a quarter if your not In a AR but Dally hated doing things the legal way. He liked to prove he didnt care there was a law or not. He went around trying to break the law(21). Dally uses his police record to his advantage, and goes around breaking the law to show how tough he Is. This is to cope with his insecurity that may be a result of something unexplained In the book. He uses a rebellious mask deal the pain or Insecurity. Nearing the end of the book, however, he changes. By the end of Dallas life, his mask Is lifted. HIS carefree attitude toward other people changes when Johnny admits he wants to turn himself In: noon get hardened In Jail. I dont want that to happen to you. Like It happened to me(80). Dally shows feelings and cares for Johnny, unlike he has for anyone else In the gang. Towards the end of Johnnys life, Dally shows more emotion that was not expressed at the start of the book. Pony writes, Whirling suddenly, [Dally] slammed back and sweat streamed down his face Oh damned Johnny, dont die, please dont del(130). Dally Is practically begging for Johnny to survive. It Is a rare occasion for Dally to beg. Besides that, Dally Is begging for someone else, not himself, proving he has changed. Later, when Dally Is murdered, the gang, as well as the readers, see his breaking point. Dallas Winston was a persistent, rebellious, young man who despite all of this, can still be human. When the only thing he loved died, he did what he thought was right. He died gallantly for Johnny. Even though a normal person would not put themselves out to die, Dally thought that was the best way to end things. He could not cope with the fact Johnny was dead, but could cope with his family rejecting him, UT he changed. He changed as a result of an action. That Is the meaning of a dynamic character. HIS personality did change. He would have never purposefully died for anyone, even himself, but In a twisted way he died for Johnny. Dally did transform. Dally Striders By goalkeepers everything. I didnt like him, but he was smart, and you had to respect Pony writes, We all had money to get in it only costs a quarter if your not in a record to his advantage, and goes around breaking the law to show how tough he is. This is to cope with his insecurity that may be a result of something unexplained in the book.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Joshua Reynolds Influence on Culture and Society
Joshua Reynolds Influence on Culture and Society Introduction Joshua Reynolds is one of the most famous artists of the 18th century. Reynolds was born in July 1723 in Plimpton St Maurice at Devon. He is widely known as one of the most influential painters of the 18th century. He has influenced a large number of people. He was among the top English painters of the century. His works specialized mainly on portraits and the promotion of Grand style that depended on idealizing the imperfect1. He is also widely known as one of the founders of the President of the Royal Academy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢ Influence on Culture and Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢ career in art began in 1940 when he started his career as a portrait painter beginner or trainee. He was trained by Thomas Hudson until 1743. From 1748, Joshua Reynolds travelled to Rome where he took Old Masters. It was while he was studying at Rome th at he developed a passion for Grand Style. However, his work was slightly affected when a severe cold hampered his hearing ability. Joshua Reynolds also worked in London from 1753. He is widely known for his contribution to the development of the Royal Society of Arts. One of his major rivals was Thomas Gainsborough who was also a famous artist of the time. However, Joshua Reynolds managed to outperform all his rivals in the century due to his distinguishable work. His lectures are still useful to date and are widely used in art. He was known as one of the most determined individuals of his time. Discussion Through his reputation and great work in art, Joshua Reynolds had a significant social and cultural impact. His work significantly influenced other people, especially while interacting with others. He was engaged in various social activities, either as a lecturer, client or employee among others. His work during the 18th century can be attributed to his excellence in the work of arts. Due to his fame as a portrait painter, Joshua Reynolds attracted much interests. He constantly enjoyed communication with many wealth people, both men and women. He was able to gain charisma that made him more influential. He was mainly involved with the middle class. As a lecturer, Joshua Reynolds was very popular among his students. He used his lectures to provide artistic education among his student. He had a chance to communicate his ideologies among the young scholars. This implies that Joshua Reynolds may have had a massive impact on culture and other social aspects.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As one of the most dominant individuals in the development of the Royal Academy and as one of the main pillars of the academy, Joshua Reynolds played a significant role in determining what was to be taught to the students. Therefore, he has a significant influence on the graduates who studied at Royal Academy. Due to his popularity, Joshua Reynolds played a pivotal role in bringing together the famous figures of ââ¬ËTheââ¬â¢ Club. The Club was a famous dining place in London that was formed by Joshua Reynolds and his friend Johnson. Through this club, Joshua Reynolds managed to change the peopleââ¬â¢s ways of life. The members were usually meeting once per week at seven p.m. However, the frequency of meeting was changed from weekly to fortnightly. Meanwhile, the parliament was in session. This club was composed of people of higher social ranks like merchants, barristers, writers, artists among others. One was required to meet certain conditions to be recruited to the club. During his time, the Battle of Ushant with the French took place. This was back in 1977. During this period, Keppel ordered the Channel Fleet2. However, no one could have been classified as a clear winner in the battle. Unconvinced, Keppel ordered another attack. Unfortunately to him, French escaped the bombardment. Later, Palliser and Keppel went at loggerheads which forced Palliser to bring charges against Keppel. In connection to this, Keppel was accused of overlooking his duties and also of several transgressions3. However, Keppel finally emerged as a winner when he was found innocent, and all the charges against him were nullified. This made him a national hero. After this trial, Joshua Reynolds made a portrait that was meant to demonstrate the trial. He demonstrated this by painting Keppel holdings a sword which symbolized the process of getting back his authority. Through such portraits, Joshua Reynolds portrayed to the eye of the public political views. Such a portrait can be very influential in affecting peopleââ¬â¢s views about certain leaders in the society. For instance, this particular portrait illustrates Keppelââ¬â¢s innocence. During his time, Joshua Reynolds conducted successful work when the English Rococo was in heig ht4. This style borrowed particular aspects from furniture style and architecture5. The style was very common among the bourgeois, who were also referred to as the owners of the means of production.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢ Influence on Culture and Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It was also very common among the rising wealthy class in the society. In order to reinforce their wealth, this class used the work by Joshua Reynolds to boost their achievements. They also required the work of art to reinforce their beauty and magnificence. Therefore, Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢s work was essential to the society. It was used by various groups to meet their goals effectively and efficiently, especially those which required influence. Through the Rococo style, Joshua Reynolds built a good relationship with the rich merchants. Meanwhile, there was a tremendous rise in the middle class and the wealthy businessmen in England. Consequently, the demand for Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢s work rose significantly6. This is because the rising middle class highly demanded for his work. Joshua Reynolds managed to fulfill all their needs by providing quality portraiture style. In the Rococo era, people were free to pursue their goals in an effort to maximize their pleasure7. Therefore, this style became very common as the middle class grew bigger and bigger. Joshua Reynolds was very important in British paintings and other parts of Western countries. Joshua Reynolds played a pivotal role in defining various aspects in these parts8. He interacted and socialized with the elite class in London. The main bond between their relationships was facilitated by the demand and supply of influential Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢s portraits. He had the ability to raise figureheads to a mythological level, the fact which pleased the subject significantly9. In the eighteenth century, the work of art was very significant in realizing gratification in man. This was more so due to the rise of bourgeois during the century. This was one of the factors that led to a high demand for Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢s portraits. They were a source of gratification for beauty, and also as a means to gain certain favor10. Tt helped people during this time to meet their needs. Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢s art directed and reflected his ideas about the society. For instance, he was convinced that position of the poor was divinely ordained and not to be disturbed11.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He further argued that it was only the higher social ranks that had the ability and the freedom to use the work of art as a way of promoting their transition from the life of brute sensuality to one of civilized reason12. In other words, Reynolds was mainly influential to the higher social ranks. This is the reason why the demand for his portraits increased with a rise of the middle class. One of the major public figures who benefited from Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢s paintings was Lord Heathfield13. Heathfield once became a hero for defending Gibraltar during its great siege. To illustrate this, Joshua depicted Heathfield in front of dark clouds holding key in the right hand. The figure was to maintain his social superiority or his contribution for defending Gibraltar. The painting was very significant as it presented the history of defense of Gibraltar. Consequently, it contributed to spreading the fame of the leaders. For instance, Heathfieldââ¬â¢s portrait illustration suggests t hat he went against many challenges in his attempt to defend Gibraltar. This is depicted by the dark clouds. However, he managed to win as the key tied in his right hand illustrates. Joshua Reynolds portraits were also believed to have religious meaning. For instance, Heathfield is depicted holding a key which is an analogy of the key St Peter who possessed the keys to Heaven. In this case, Heathfield is presented as an important person in the society whose efforts defended Gibraltar. Joshua Reynolds supported Burkeââ¬â¢s views on the French revolution. He was therefore convinced that the French Revolution would be disastrous. This is because it did not consider the complexity of human nature. He believed that the human nature was not compatible with the human behavior. Through writing in early 1790s, Joshua Reynolds argued that France was falling because of spending too much time tending14 (Bennett 1998). He further argued that lack of emphasis on the manufacturing and trade was the main cause of the problem. In conclusion, this discussion has clearly revealed that Joshua Reynolds was one of the most influential artists of the 18th century. He had a significant social and cultural impact on the society. His portraits were highly demanded by the wealthy merchants, businessmen, and people from other high social ranks to meet their needs. His work was also used by the leaders to create good image in the eyes of the public15. His work also played a significant role in civilizing the society. Joshua Reynolds works also changed major social issues. For instance, he was strongly opposed towards the French Revolution. He argued that it would lead to losses rather than gains. Therefore, he urged people to refrain from engaging in the revolution through his work. He also influenced people through his lectures. He used his paintings to drive his ideas to the society. His lectures were known to be extremely sensitive and perceptive. Bibliography Anonymous. ââ¬Å"Josh ua Reynolds.â⬠Artble, 2011. Web. Bennett, Tony. Culture: A Reformers Science. New York: SAGE, 1998. Bennet, Tony. Culture. Australia: SAGE Publications, 1992. Brennan, Teresa. Vision in context: historical and contemporary perspectives on sight. New York: Routledge, 1996. Ferguson. Art. New York: Ferguson, 2008. Huntington Art Gallery. ââ¬Å"Out of the Shadows: Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢ Celebrity Portraiture and the Market for Mezzotints in 18th-Century Britain.â⬠Huntington, 2011. Web. Hurl, Estelle. Sir Joshua Reynolds: A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter with Introduction and Interpretation. New York: Kessinger Publishing, 2004. Malone, Edmond. The Works Of Sir Joshua Reynolds. To Which Is Prefixed An Account Of The Life And Writings Of The Author. U.S.A: Oxford University, 1801. Northcote, James. Memoirs Of Sir Joshua Reynolds: To Which Are Added, Varieties On Art. New York: M. Carey Son, 1817. Northcote, James. The Life Of Sir Joshua Reynol ds: Comprising Original Anecdotes Of Many Distinguished Persons, His Contemporaries; And A Brief Analysis Of His Discourses. New York: Henry Colburn, 1819. Reynolds, Joshua. Joshua Reynolds Seven Discourses Delivered In The Royal Academy. U.S.A: T. Ladell, 1778. Reynolds, Joshua., Malone, Edmond and Gray, Thomas. The Works Of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knight ; Late President Of The Royal Academy: Containing His Discourses ; Idlers ; A Journey To Flanders And Holland, And His Commentary On Du Fresnoys Art Of Painting. U.S.A: T. Cadell. 1801. Reynolds, Joshua. The Complete Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds: First President Of The Royal Academy: With An Original Memoir, And Anecdotes Of The Author, Volume 1. New York: T. MLean, 1824. Reynolds, Joshua. The Literary Works Of Sir Joshua Reynolds, First President Of The Royal Academy By Joshua Reynolds. London: Cadell, 1830. Wendorf, Richard. Sir Joshua Reynolds: The Painter in Society. U.S.A: Harvard University Press, 1998. Footnotes 1 Joshua Reyno lds. The Literary Works Of Sir Joshua Reynolds, First President Of The Royal Academy By Joshua Reynolds. London: Cadell, 1830. 2 Edmond, Malone. The Works Of Sir Joshua Reynolds. To Which Is Prefixed An Account Of The Life And Writings Of The Author. U.S.A: Oxford University, 1801. 3 Joshua, Reynolds. The Complete Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds: First President Of The Royal Academy: With An Original Memoir, And Anecdotes Of The Author, Volume 1. New York: T. MLean, 1824. 4 Joshua, Reynolds., Edmond, Malone and Thomas, Gray. The Works Of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knight ; Late President Of The Royal Academy: Containing His Discourses ; Idlers ; A Journey To Flanders And Holland, And His Commentary On Du Fresnoys Art Of Painting. U.S.A: T. Cadell. 1801. 5 James, Northcote. The Life Of Sir Joshua Reynolds: Comprising Original Anecdotes Of Many Distinguished Persons, His Contemporaries; And A Brief Analysis Of His Discourses. New York: Henry Colburn, 1819. 6 James, Northcote. Memoirs Of Sir Jo shua Reynolds: To Which Are Added, Varieties On Art. New York: M. Carey Son, 1817. 7 Teresa, Brennan. Vision in context: historical and contemporary perspectives on sight. New York: Routledge, 1996. 8 Joshua, Reynolds. Joshua Reynolds Seven Discourses Delivered In The Royal Academy. U.S.A: T. Ladell, 1778. 9 Richard, Wendorf. Sir Joshua Reynolds: The Painter in Society. U.S.A: Harvard University Press, 1998. 10 Huntington Art Gallery. ââ¬Å"Out of the Shadows: Joshua Reynoldsââ¬â¢ Celebrity Portraiture and the Market for Mezzotints in 18th-Century Britain.â⬠Huntington, 2011. 11 Ferguson. Art. New York: Ferguson, 2008. 12 Hurl, Estelle. Sir Joshua Reynolds: A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter with Introduction and Interpretation. New York: Kessinger Publishing, 2004. 13 Anonymous. ââ¬Å"Joshua Reynolds.â⬠Artble, 2011. 14 Bennett, Tony. Culture: A Reformers Science. New York: SAGE, 1998. 15 Bennet, Tony. Culture. Australia: SAGE Publication s, 1992.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
20 Terms Every Content Writer Needs to Know
20 Terms Every Content Writer Needs to Know Crafting content for businesses and their marketing agencies can be a decent earner for aspiring writers. But if you want to be taken seriously, you need to get the lingo right. Dan Brotzel of UK agency Sticky Content walks us through some of the essential terminology So, youve got your first content commission ââ¬â a series of blog posts perhaps, or some new web copy. What usually comes next is a briefing form. The brief may be a detailed document of several pages, or it may be a couple of pages in an email. It may have been written just for you, or ââ¬â more likely ââ¬â for lots of other people working on the project as well, from marketers to web developers. ââ¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹ Your first job is to go through the brief, understand whats required, and come back with any questions. Heres a handy guide to some of the phrases you may come across Amends. Content work always goes through several rounds of amends on its way to approval. Your agreement may cite a certain number of rounds of amends that you will carry out; if not, its worth asking about this up front. While you shouldnt worry that there will be things to tweak, you should make sure that the amount of amends isnt getting unreasonable or turning into a rebrief. Brand voice. This is the verbal personality that your copy should convey. Guidance may come in a tone of voice document or in a brief description, e.g. friendly, straightforward, positive. If in doubt, ask for examples of voice they like. Call to action (CTA). All content should lead to a next step you want your reader to take, such as Call us now or Get a quote. Knowing the CTA will help you focus your writing. Compliance. In heavily regulated industries such as finance, a Compliance team will review the copy for potential issues such as making claims (the cheapest cover ever!) that cant be backed up. Its worth asking up front what sorts of things they normally look for. Conversion. The action that you want people reading a piece of content to take, such as downloading a report or making a purchase. Copydeck. Simply the document that contains your copy. This may take the form of a templated doc that you are asked to write content into. Distribution. How your content will reach people, for example via email, social channels or search results. Engagement. A slippery word that really just means people acting on your content in some way, e.g. Evergreen content. Content thats designed to have a very long shelf-life so needs to be written in a way that wont quickly date. Hygiene content. Essential content that keeps a website working, such as FAQs, Help content and About us content. This is distinct from Hub content (regular editorial-style content such as posts and articles) and Hero content (big campaign material). Key phrases. Words you may be asked to work into your copy, to help it appear in relevant search results pages. Landing page. The page that people arrive at after clicking on a search result, especially a paid-for one. There is a whole best practice for writing and designing these to drive conversions. Listicle. An article written in list form, usually beginning with a number. Localization. Translation. Sometimes you will be asked to write copy thats easy to localize, meaning it should steer clear of idioms and very specific cultural references that could get lost in translation. Newsjacking. The practice of creating some content triggered Optimization. Basically, improving things through an ongoing process of testing and learning. A page thats been optimized for search, for example, is one that has been written and designed to have the best chance of driving search traffic. Personas. Many bigger companies will have developed character sketches that stand in for key segments of their target audience. Often theyll have a nickname such as Sally, the savvy shopper or Dave, the silver surfer. These profiles can be very useful to help you pitch your copy correctly. Pay Per Click. The paid-for ads that appear among your search results when you look for something via a search engine. Pay per click is abbreviated PPC. The search engine gets a small fee whenever anyone clicks on an ad. Stakeholders. People with a governance interest in your content, such as Compliance, Product, and Brand. All review the content, and some may have an input into its creation. Stakeholder reviews inevitably lead to amends. Traction. A fancy word for response. As in: We want to see how much traction this first ebook gets, then well decide whether to do another one. Wash-up. A meeting where the work is reviewed after its gone live. You may not be asked to attend this, but you may hear feedback from it thats useful for your next commission. When interrogating a brief (as marketers like to say) you can inspire confidence
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Jaguar Land Rover Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jaguar Land Rover - Case Study Example Having said that different models of Jaguars are manufactured in different areas such as Birmingham, Liverpool and Solihull all in United Kingdom. Being the major wealth generator for UK there were 78 percent of Land Rovers exported to 169 countries and about 70 percent of Jaguars were exported to 63 countries and through importers and franchised dealers sales are being made. Around September of this year when Jaguar Land Rover stopped the operations in one of its two West Midlands plants but still committed to keep the Merseyside plant open. This would mean job losses will only happen to West Midlands. Reason being was to save money and not to create more jobs as the management is trying to avoid any redundancies. Hearing the news on one of the West Midlands plant closing came not a surprise to everyone as this was already anticipated several years back since opening 3 sites on current volume will really cause the Company lose some money due to below capacity operations. However, projections for 2010 chopping of another plant is a work in progress wherein one plant is seeing to shut mid-2010, either Birmingham or Solihull. Moreso, this is one way to cut the cost dramatically.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Behaviors of customers and Environment Influence on Marketing Essay
Behaviors of customers and Environment Influence on Marketing - Essay Example Attracting customers is an integral part of marketing, but retaining them is even more important. This can be achieved through several means including understanding the behavior of current and future customers and the environment. In addition, recognizing changes in the market environment allows the firms to capitalize on marketing opportunities or prepare for threats in the market. Understanding of the market environment requires the firms to be conversant with current market trends, technology developments and competitorsââ¬â¢ strategies. Therefore, this paper seeks to analyze customersââ¬â¢ current and potential behaviors and the market environment, as well as they affect marketing strategies. In order to successfully market their products firms need to understand both the behavior of current and potential customers and the influence of the marketing environment. In understanding the current customersââ¬â¢ behavior, marketers are able to do an analysis of their buying trends. This also helps to recognize the prevailing needs of the customer and hence produce products that satisfy target customersââ¬â¢ needs. It is also very important to be aware of the consumer buying process so as to influence the choice of the consumer. In doing so, it is paramount to understand that the buying process consists of several stages, all of which are of great interest to marketers (Thomas, 1995, p.248).
The School of the Americas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The School of the Americas - Essay Example The schools presence in the region represented the United States growing role in Latin America. With the signing of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty) in 1947 (Bureau of Political-Military Affairs Washington, DC) the United States involvement in the region grew even more. Yet another name change came in 1949. The U.S. Army Caribbean School continued to train both U.S. and Latin American soldiers. In 1963 the school got its most notable name: The School of the Americas (SOA). The SOA began training using Spanish only and controversy surrounding the school began. With the handing over of the Panama Canal to the government of Panama the school needed a new home. After much politicking, the Spanish speaking school was moved to Fort Benning, Georgia rather than Texas that had a Spanish speaking population (where the school thought was the most logical choice). In an August 1996 report sent to the Honorable Ronald V. ... The School of Americas thus played a part in this transition by providing Spanish language military training to Latin American countries that chose to send soldier-students. The School of the Americas closed in December of 2000 after much controversy and reopened in January 2001 as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation as a result of the National Defense Authorization Act. 2. Training Provided. As stated earlier, The School of the Americas functioned as a Spanish language military school and continues as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. It is interesting to note that the new school offers instruction (again in Spanish) in many of the same courses that the SOA did at the same location. The current school offers training to Latin American military personnel in courses such as2: Civil-Military Operations Course Information Operations Course Departmental Resource Management Human Rights Instructor Course Peace Operations Course The schools website claims that all courses listed are accredited at at least the baccalaureate level, students can receive credit for courses taken,3 and that all students receive at least eight hours of human rights training. As the SOA the school offered courses using manuals with such titles as4: Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual-1983 KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation-July 1963 3. The Controversy. As the SOA, the school came under scrutiny by various human rights groups because of the type of training provided to the Latin American students and the resulting human rights violations by SOA graduates. The United States was accused of training these soldiers to protect its economic interests in the region. CIA manuals used by
Annotated Bibliography on Finance Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
On Finance - Annotated Bibliography Example Eugene Fama is one of the renowned economists, working as a finance professor in the University of Chicago. His interest in the concepts related to stock market prices have pushed him to walk through several untreated paths and notions about the subject. And in all researches of his, he has succeeded indubitably and his hypothesis on efficient markets has encouraged several other economists to pursue further research on the same subject. In this paper, he has described about the theories about random walks and through which he has raised concerns about the working aspects of a market. The author however has given only an introduction to the random walks theory and has not divulged more about its extrapolations. The stock prices can be evaluated and predicted based on their past performances. However, the authors Craig and Andrew have opposed this analysis and have shown through their experiments that stock market prices do not follow this theory. Robert Higgins, just like the author cited above, is also in the teaching profession taking classes in the field of Finance. He has done several researches in finance including on concepts that deal with the management issues present in dealing foreign exchange and money matters and also on theories that underlie the importance of valuation. In this book, the author has mainly focused on principles and issues that have to be followed and faced up in case of acquiring new resources. He also deals with the idea of managing the resources that are newly bought. The knowledge showcased by the author on the theories and ideas related to understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the financial assets of a company is exemplary. In addition he showcases very useful tools that could be used in the evaluation of financial assets of a company (Higgins, 1992). The important characteristic of the entire book is that most of the technical jargons related to finance and economics which deal with income and balance statements have been explained to the readers in a common language. 4. Firth, Michael. Share Prices and Mergers: A Study of Stock Market Efficiency. UK: Saxon House. 1976 .Print The author, being a Ph.D. holder, has quite an experience in the field of accountancy after working as an accountant for several number of years in several organizations. He is an ardent follower of economics, of its feasibility and efficiency and has published several journals and books in relevance to the mentioned topics. In this book, the author has described about the practices involved in carrying out business activities and given a critical account of the predicting game that take place in share markets - that produces the most controversial and most sensational ideas
Thursday, October 17, 2019
WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP REFLECTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP REFLECTION - Essay Example This complies with the NMC professional code of conduct (2008). The Royal College of Nursing (RCN 2007) argues that Inter-professional collaboration looks at teamwork, communication, professionalism and modern issues that influence practice at present. According to Kendall & Lissauer (2003) various health care professionals have a range of expertise and skills different from others and their experiences and insights into situations capture dissimilar care needs. It therefore enables the patient Like Jessica to receive the best care. Working in a multidisciplinary team can help different professionals to collaborate with each other in order to benefit the patient and deliver person-centred care. (DOH 2004). The government decided to implement a plan to reform the National Health Services in 1997. That included both inter-professional collaboration and patient-centred care (The plan aimed to offer mutual participation in a shared decision-making partnership (Antai-Otong 2006). This would offer a patient-led National Health Service that would work closely with the social services providing patients like Jessica with social support once discharged from hospital.à (Department of Health and Royal College of Nursing 2003). Whilst on placement I accompanied Ms. B from my team to undertake a CPA review at Royal Ground Mental Unite hospital. On our way, Ms. B took the lead by explaining Jessicaââ¬â¢s mental health state. She informed how long she had been involved in her care. Also, she told me the type of intervention that she may need to be put in place while Jessica is either in hospital or discharged. As our discussion continued to prolong, Ms B alerted me about CPA processes and procedures and how the professionals involved with Jessicaââ¬â¢s care were aiming for her improvement so that she could be discharged soon. The information shared with me was very interesting as Ms B was discussing the reasons behind her
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Panama Canal expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Panama Canal expansion - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that most infrastructural mega projects are prone to suffer from cost overruns, delays, poor performance or inability to give customer satisfaction if inadequately managed. Interaction of several factors such as governance of such projects, their financing, human management, and financing can cause complexities which can either promote their success or inhibit it depending on how they are approached. It is, therefore, crucial for project managers to thus critically analyze a mega project before undertaking it. This report takes an in-depth assessment of the expansion of the Panama Canal which is one of the busiest waterways internationally. Panama expansion project is also of key interest given that it plays a critical role in maritime trade and brings together international concerns. The initial construction of Panama Canal went underway in 1880 under the leadership of Ferdinand de Lesseps who built Suez Canal. This was a large scale proje ct undertaken by people who had little prior experience in canal construction. They faced several challenges including minimal workforce, diseases and lack of funding. The geology of the region also posed a challenge to the construction work. A second company, the Compagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama, was contracted to complete the construction. After the American government the requested French machinery for construction, work officially began in 1904. Despite the challenges encountered in constructing the canal, Panama Canal was completed a decade later.
WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP REFLECTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP REFLECTION - Essay Example This complies with the NMC professional code of conduct (2008). The Royal College of Nursing (RCN 2007) argues that Inter-professional collaboration looks at teamwork, communication, professionalism and modern issues that influence practice at present. According to Kendall & Lissauer (2003) various health care professionals have a range of expertise and skills different from others and their experiences and insights into situations capture dissimilar care needs. It therefore enables the patient Like Jessica to receive the best care. Working in a multidisciplinary team can help different professionals to collaborate with each other in order to benefit the patient and deliver person-centred care. (DOH 2004). The government decided to implement a plan to reform the National Health Services in 1997. That included both inter-professional collaboration and patient-centred care (The plan aimed to offer mutual participation in a shared decision-making partnership (Antai-Otong 2006). This would offer a patient-led National Health Service that would work closely with the social services providing patients like Jessica with social support once discharged from hospital.à (Department of Health and Royal College of Nursing 2003). Whilst on placement I accompanied Ms. B from my team to undertake a CPA review at Royal Ground Mental Unite hospital. On our way, Ms. B took the lead by explaining Jessicaââ¬â¢s mental health state. She informed how long she had been involved in her care. Also, she told me the type of intervention that she may need to be put in place while Jessica is either in hospital or discharged. As our discussion continued to prolong, Ms B alerted me about CPA processes and procedures and how the professionals involved with Jessicaââ¬â¢s care were aiming for her improvement so that she could be discharged soon. The information shared with me was very interesting as Ms B was discussing the reasons behind her
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Black People and Dorothy Allison Essay Example for Free
Black People and Dorothy Allison Essay Race, class and gender have been a topic for most books that have been written. A lot of books talk about these topics because it is something most people face. Whether youre at work and cant get a promotion because of your gender, excluded from a place because of your class or hated because of your race. Know matter what you will be faced with one if these topics in your life time. Dorothy Allisons Bastard out of Carolina deals with these issues in a very intriguing way. She uses them to keep the story flowing and keep the reader interested. In the novel BOC, Allison uses race, class and gender in a very stereotypical way. The story of Bone takes place in a time where race was a conservational topic. You can say America was split in two groups, the whites and blacks. If you were black life was not easy. Black people were discriminated against. Even though slavery was over the black nation was not accepted by the white people. Racism means Discrimination or prejudice based on race (2). This word was not really used in this book because the narrative was Bone, a white girl. When Bone would visit Aunt Almas apartment she would come to face black children. There and then is when the stereotypes of black people started. The grown ups in Bone had nothing good to say about the niggers that lived by Aunt Alma. Running off with a mans children, living in the dirty place with niggers all around. My little girls having to go up those stairs past those nigger boys. My wife walking the street past those peckerwoods! (Allison 89). The family really did not approve of Aunt Alma living around black people. They were thought to be dirty and uncivilized people. Black people were also thought to be stupid and worthless. Bone was young at the time and did not know what to think about them. But she did not feel the same as her elders. Instead she made friends with them and learned to like them. I think Allison is trying to show the innocence of a child. Most kids are caring and loving until they are taught to hate. Bone grew up in a poor family. They would be considered in todays society as trailer trash. The stereotype of poor white folks was present in Bastard out of Carolina. Anne and Glen did not really have money so it was hard to support the kids. They basically lived with very little. They couldnt settle down at one house so they moved from one run down house to another. A lot of the characters described in this book had a lot of resemblance to what we would consider a red neck. For instance Uncle Travis has a big Chevy. Bone says it was jacked up so high that it easily cradled little kids or pregnant woman (Allison 1). Almost all the boys in the family had trucks. Thats typical for a red neck. Bone describes the Boatwright men as rugged, kind of dirty strong boys. They loved to fight and drink beer. The Boatwright family was big which again stereotyped poor white families. Also poor people are known to have kids out of wedlock. That was the situation Bone was. She was born out of wedlock and she never knew who her father was. That is the significance of the title Bastard out of Carolina. Gender also played a big role in this novel by Dorothy Allison. The male and female gender played a very distinctive role. In the Boatwright family the men are thought to be the physically strong. They take care of the family. They get into fights and are feared by a lot of people in town. Women of that time were supposed to stay at home cook and clean. They were supposed to wait for their husbands and never talk back. But I think Allison reversed the stereotype about women by making the Boatwright women very different. Most of them had jobs and were supporting them selfs. Aunt Raylene and Aunt Alma were some of the girls that lived by themselves. The women were strong too and they stuck together. Another way gender played a role was the relationship between Anne and Glen. From all the Boatwright women Anne was the weakest one. In the relationship Glen basically controlled Anne. Every time he did something bad she would end up forgiving him. Even after she found out he has been beating Bone she forgave him. Glen had all the power and Anne couldnt do anything because she loved him. Bastard out of Carolina faces issues about race, class and gender. Allison builds a world where all these issues are faced. Through the main character Bone, we see how race, class and gender affect her and her family. Race played a role when Bone meets black people for the first time and instead of judging them she became friend with them. The Boatwrights social status is not the best but they are feared by the community. They are considered poor and red necks. The last big issue that is seen in BOC is gender. Allison changed things up by making the women in the family stronger and more independent than other women of that time. In the end I think Allison decided to stereotype race, class and gender to show us it makes things worse then they already are. Work Cited 2 entries found for racism. 2003. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. 19 Feb. 2006 http://owl. english. purdue. edu/handouts/research/r_mla. html Allison Dorothy. Bastard out of Carolina. New York. Penguin Group. 1993.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Key Elements In The Service Concept Tourism Essay
Key Elements In The Service Concept Tourism Essay INTRODUCTION In service organisations, in order to guarantee customer satisfaction, operation managers need to ensure that the customers are delivered the service they require. The service concept is a shared outstanding by customers, employees and shareholders of an organisation of the nature of the service provided and received. Service concept defines what an organisation is selling and what a customer is buying. The service concept can be described as follows : The organising idea : the essence of the service bought or used by the customer. The service experience : how the customer is treated by the service provider and the experience of the customer has of the organisation and its facilities. The service outcome : the end result of the service for the customer. The service process : the way in which the service is delivered. The service value : the benefits perceived by the customer against the cost of the service. In general we can say that : = A service concept acts as service specification. = A service concept should provide sufficient detail to make it clear what the organisation is selling/providing and what the customer is buying /receiving. = A service concept is more emotional than a business model, deeper than a brand, more complex than a good idea and more solid than a vision. = A service concept contains the organising idea for the service. There are some key elements in the service concept which is illustrated in the figure below : Service Concept Service Operation Organising idea Service experience Value of the service Service Outcome Figure : Key elements of Service concepts In this coursework I am going to explain the service concept of Radisson Blu Hotels Resorts. Radisson Blu Hotels Resorts is part of the Rezidor Hotel Group, and currently operates over 155 hotels in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, with anotherà 47 projects under development. Radisson Blu is a first class full service hotel brand with key differentiators such as the 100% Guest Satisfaction Guarantee and the Yes I Can! spirit of service. The Rezidor Hotel Group is one of the fastest growing hotel companies in the world. Its current consists of 274 hotels in operation and under development in 47 countries accumulating nearly 55,000 rooms. Rezidor manages selected Carlson brands in Europe, the Middle East and Africa: Radisson, Park Inn, Regent and Country Inn. What make Radisson Blu unique to customers ? Most of their competitors have fantastic rooms, comfortable beds,à award winningà architecture and catchy advertisements aimed at achieving and exceeding guest service expectations, but due to some exceptional service concept , Radisson Blu is separate from similar hotels which make them unique to customers. The following exceptional service concepts make Radission Blu popular among customers : Yes I Can! Over a decade in the works, Yes I Can! is Radissions special service philosophy that sets them apart from the competition. Being hospitable is all about giving guests your undivided attention and when guests stay at a Radisson Blu hotel; the hotel manager, the waiter, the receptionist, the porter- everyone plays a vital role in delivering a memorable guest experience. At Radisson Blu , Yes I Can! is the companys mission and a way of life which guides them to meet any challenge and identify every opportunity. Whether their guests are in Glasgow or Capetown, Beijing or Rome, they are assured consistently excellent service. 100% Guest Satisfaction Guarantee In the fiercely competitive industry, they stand apart from the rest, thanks to their special Yes I Can! service spirit.à They love what they do and as proof of that, they promise to deliver a 100% Guest Satisfaction Guarantee. Their staff will do everything to ensure that customers leave their hotel happy, so if there is a complaint, it is noted and takes into serious considerations.. If customers complaint remains unresolved or they leave disappointed, any one of their staff can invoke the 100% Guest Satisfaction Guarantee. This means that customers will not have to pay for their room or the service in question. To keep customers coming back time and again, they strive to provide an exceptional service level at all times.à This is their promise to customers à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ or their money back. So, if any customer is dissatisfied with anything during their stay, the hotel wants to let them know so that they will Endeavour to make it right. Express Check-Out Even with their improved departure process with Satellite Reception desks, some guests cannot spare the time to check-out in the morning. For their guests in a rush they offer Express Check-Out to save valuable time and ensure an efficient and accurate check-out, by offering the options of sending invoice by email, mail or a quick pick-up at the reception desk. Late Check-Out Check-out from Radisson Blu hotels as late asà 6 p.m. (subject to availability) instead of the normal check-out time at no extra cost. Their aim is to accommodate the needs of their guests and offer tailor made flexible solutions. [emailprotected] All guests staying at Radisson Blu hotels throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa can now get Free high-speed Internet access as part of the Radisson Blu [emailprotected] service concept. Check-in to a Radisson Blu hotel and log on to customers corporate network, access email, download music, shop, customers can do whatever it is they like to do online, and do it for free! Free high-speed Internet access comes with easy-to-follow, simple instructions. The service includes high-speed as well as wireless Internet access. Since most Radisson Blu hotels are wired, all hotel guests can access the Internet from anywhere in the hotel: rooms, meeting facilities or public areas, by using their name and room number. Breakfast on the go! For their guests on the go with no time for a sit-down breakfast, they offer the Grab Run takeaway breakfast. Tea and coffee in disposable cups along with fresh fruits and energy bars are available on a special table in the lobby so that none of their guests miss out on the most important meal of the day. One Touch Service Customers can access the following services with the touch of a button : INFORMATION/CONCIERGE: request special information on local eventsà ROOM SERVICE: have meals delivered to customers roomà WAKE-UP CALL: their front desk will make sure customers wake up on time LAUNDRY: obtain laundry service, or 3-hour express serviceà HOUSEKEEPING obtain an iron, ironing board or extra pillow and blanketsà MAINTENANCE: 24 hour a day service to ensure their is comfortable and convenient Super Breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and the last impression a guest has of a hotel before leaving. The Radisson Blu Super Breakfast is an extensive buffet featuring a range of food items selected from the best of Continental, North European, and American cuisine. Free high-speed Internet With their easy-to-follow instructions, customers can log on to their corporate network, access email, download music, shop, do whatever it is they like to do online. Long committed to being among the first to anticipate the needs of the busy traveller, Radisson Blu has been offering Free high-speed Internet access to all guests who stay in their hotels. Just check-in to Radisson Blu hotels across Europe, the Middle East and Africa get free access to the Internet as a part of their [emailprotected] Connect service concept. Room Styles They Offer their guests a choice of room styles. A popular feature of Radisson Blu hotels and resorts for over 12 years, there are now more than 20 different room designs to choose from. 3-hour Express Laundry The average guests stays at a hotel for less than two days, which makes getting laundry done a complicated matter. But at Radisson Blu they have dispensed of this complication with 3-Hour Express Laundry. All shirts, blouses, socks, underwear, pants and other pieces of clothing, handed in before 8 p.m. will be returned fresh and clean that same evening. Satellite Reception Satellite Reception desks are individual counters in the lobby that offer guests a more personalized, efficient, informal and relaxed service when checking-in/out. Anne Sà ©monin Bath products Offering a holistic and personal approach to beauty, Anne Semonin is a high-end French brand that is known for its philosophy Every skin is unique. Anne Sà ©monin was among the first to combine essential oils and trace elements, a standard that today is a benchmark in the industry.à Customers can check into one of their hotels and be spoiled with a unique range of her products, exclusively produced only for Radisson Blu Hotels and Resorts. CONCLUSION Thinking about the service concept not only help managers understand their business but also challenges them to view their business in ways that can make it stand apart from other organisations. Service concept is a strong strategic tool that can make an organisation successful if implementations of those concepts are done properly. Every organisations service concept is different and focus is needed on those ideas to get the competitive advantage.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Environmental Conservation :: essays research papers
There are several problems that affect our world today : crime, war, overpopulation, ? And pollution is one of the most serious problems. It is growing every year. More important, pollution, which we are creating, is destroying our sources of resources. Global warming, oil spills, air pollution,? are resulted from our litter such as exhausted from economies, broken ships. And we are suffering them : shortage of food, shortage of water. If we don?t have the suitable way to prevent pollution, the results won?t stop here. First, let talk about the supporting of our environment. Since prehistoric appeared, they have been depended on the environment. Fruits were the main source of food in this age. After revolutions, in spite of new inventions, we are still harvesting, collecting our food from fields, seas, which belong to environment. Furthermore, we are breathing the air made by trees. Our economies are operated by fossil fuels, or other sources of energy from our environment. In fact, we really need environment, everything surrounding us. Because of its free supporting, we presume that environment is our free servant and it won't be tired. It can become the most serious mistake of the human race. We take everything from environment and we throw them away after taking all of their values. We exploit resources as much as possible. When we have new advantages from new inventions, we use them as the most powerful tools to abuse environment. Under the pressure of development, global environment has been destroying seriously .What we done now leads to the catastrophic problems which we have to cope. The biggest problem is climate changing and reducing of ozone. Economies keep on growing and they release the large amount of carbon dioxide, which creates green-house effect. According to the newest research, world?s temperature increased 0.6 Celsius degree. And it is estimated to increase from 1.4 Celsius degree to 5.6 Celsius degree in 2100. Besides, CFCs has made the hole of ozone become bigger and bigger. Non-processed wastes from producing are dumped directly into rivers and streams. It leads to shortage of clean water over the world, especially in Africa, the continent with the minimum amount of rain. As the UN noticed, about 1.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Symbols and Symbolism in Siddhartha - The Snake, the Bird and the River
Symbols and Symbolism in Siddhartha - The Snake, the Bird and the River à à In Herman Hess's, Siddhartha, Siddhartha's constant growth and spiritual evolution is elucidated through the symbolism of the snake, the bird and the river. As a snake sheds it's skin in order to continue its physical growth, Siddhartha sheds the skins of his past: " he realized that something had left him, like the old skin a snake sheds/ Something was no longer with him, something that had accompanied him right through his youth and was a part of him" (37). In this way Siddhartha leaves his childhood companion, Govinda, and follows the teachings of the Illustrious one. Siddhartha then journeys on alone and feels vulnerable as his past reveals his lost soul, " I was afraid, I was fleeing from myself..." (38). Siddhartha eagerly gathers himself and ventures on to explore alternative religions. He no longer relies on his past, his Samana upbringing and heritage, "Immediately he moved on again and began to walk quickly and impatiently, no longer homeward, no longer to his father, no longer looking backw...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Video game
The rise of personal computers in the mid 1980s spurred interest in computer games. This caused a crash in home Video game market. Interest in Video games was rekindled when a number of different companies developed hardware consoles that provided graphics superior to the capabilities of computer games. By 1990, the Nintendo Entertainment System dominated the product category. Sega surpassed Nintendo when it introduced its Genesis System. By 1993, Sega commanded almost 60 per cent of Video game market and was one of the most recognized brand names among the children. Segaââ¬â¢s success was short lived. In 1995, Saturn (a division of General Motors) launched a new 32-bit system. The product was a miserable failure for a number of reasons. Sega was the primary software developer for Saturn and it did not support efforts by outside game developers to design compatible games. In addition, Segaââ¬â¢s games were often delivered quite late to retailers. Finally, the price of the Saturn system was greater than other comparable game consoles. This situation of Saturnââ¬â¢s misstep benefited Nintendo and Sony greatly. Sonyââ¬â¢s Play Station was unveiled in 1994 and was available in 70 million homes worldwide by the end of 1999. Its ââ¬Å"Open designâ⬠encouraged the efforts of o utside developers, resulting in almost 3,000 different games that were compatible with the PlayStation. It too featured 32-bit graphics that appealed to older audience. As a result, at one time, more than 30 per cent of PlayStation owners were over 30 years old. Nintendo 64 was introduced in 1996 and had eye-popping 64-bit graphics and entered in more than 28 million homes by 1999. Its primary users were between the age of 6 and 13 as a result of Nintendoââ¬â¢s efforts to limit the amount of violent and adult-oriented material featured on games that can be played on its systems. Because the company exercised considerable control over software development, Nintendo 64 had only one-tenth the number of compatible games as Sonyââ¬â¢s PlayStation did. By 1999, Sony had captured 56 per cent of the video game market, followed by Nintendo with 42 per cent. Segaââ¬â¢s share had fallen to a low of 1%. Hence, Sega had two options, either to concede defeat or introduce an innovative video machine that would bring in huge sales. And Sega had to do so before either Nintendo or Sony could bring their next-generation console to market. The Sega Dreamcast arrived in stores in September 1999 with an initial price tag of $199. Anxious gamers placed 300,000 advance orders, and initial sales were quite encouraging. A total of 1. 5 million Dreamcast machines were bought within the first four months, and initial reviews were positive. The 128-bit system was capable of generating 3-D visuals, and 40 different games were available within three months of Dream castââ¬â¢s introduction. By the end of the year, Sega had captured a market share to 15 per cent. But the Dreamcast could not sustain its momentum. Although its game capabilities were impressive, the system did not deliver all the functionality Sega had promised. A 56K modem (which used a home phone line) and a Web browser were meant to allow access to the Internet so that gamers could play each other online, surf the Web, and visit the Dreamcast Network for product information and playing tips. Unfortunately, these features either were not immediately available or were disappointing in their execution. Sega was not the only one in having the strategy of adding functionality beyond games. Sony and Nintendo followed the same approach for their machines introduced in 1999. Both Nintendoââ¬â¢s Neptune and Sonyââ¬â¢s PlayStation 2 (PS2) were built on a DVD platform and featured a 128-bit processor. Analysts applauded the move to DVD because it is less expensive to produce and allows more storage than CDs. It also gives buyers the ability to use the machine as CD music player and DVD movie player. As Sony marketing director commented, ââ¬Å"The full entertainment offering from Pl ay Station 2 definitely appeals to a much broader audience. I have friends in their 30s who bought it not only because itââ¬â¢s a gaming system for their kids, but also a DVD for them. â⬠In addition, PlayStation 2 is able to play games developed for its earlier model that was CD-based. This gives the PS2 an enormous advantage in the number of compatible game titles that were immediately available to gamers. Further enhancing the PS2ââ¬â¢s appeal is its high-speed modem and allows the userââ¬â¢s easy access to the Internet through digital cable as well as over telephone lines. This gives Sony the ability to distribute movies, music, and games directly to PS2 consoles. We are positioning this as an all-round entertainment player,â⬠commented Ken Kutaragi, the head of Sony Computer Entertainment. However, some prospective customers were put off by the consoleââ¬â¢s initial price of $360. Shortly after the introduction of Neptune, Nintendo changed its strategies and announced the impending release of its newest game console, The GameCube. However, unlike the Neptune, the GameCube would not run on a DVD platform and also would not initially offer any online capabilities. It would be more attractively priced at $199. A marketing vice president for Nintendo explained the companyââ¬â¢s change in direction, ââ¬Å"We are the only com petitor whose business is video games. We want to create the best gaming system. â⬠Nintendo also made the GameCube friendly for outside developers and started adding games that included sports titles to attract an older audience. Best known for its extra ordinary successes with games aimed at the younger set, such as Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros, and Pokemon, Nintendo sought to attract older users, especially because the average video game player is 28. Youthful Nintendo users were particularly pleased to hear that they could use their handheld Game Boy Advance systems as controllers for the GameCube. Nintendo scrambled to ensure there would be an adequate supply of Game Cubes on the date in November 2001, when they were scheduled to be available to customers. It also budgeted $450 million to market its new product, as it anticipated stiff competition during the holiday shopping season. With more than 20 million PlayStation 2 sold worldwide, the GameCube as a new entry in the video game market would make the battle for market share even more intense. For almost a decade, the video game industry had only Sega, Nintendo, and Sony; just three players. Because of strong brand loyalty and high product development costs, newcomers faced a daunting task in entering this race and being competitive. In November 2001, Microsoft began selling its new Xbox, just three days before the GameCube made its debut. Some observers felt the Xbox was aimed to rival PlayStation 2, which has similar functions that rival Microsoftââ¬â¢s Web TV system and even some lower level PCs. Like the Sonyââ¬â¢s PlayStation 2, Xbox was also built using a DVD platform, but it used an Intel processor in its construction. This open design allowed Microsoft to develop the Xbox in just two years, and gave developers the option of using standard PC tool for creating compatible games. In addition, Microsoft also sought the advice of successful game developers and even incorporated some of their feedback into the design of the console and its controllers. As a result of developersââ¬â¢ efforts, Microsoft had about 20 games ready when the Xbox became available. By contrast, the GameCube had only eight games available. Microsoft online strategy was another feature that differentiated of the Xbox from the GameCube. Whereas Nintendo had no immediate plans for Web-based play, the Xbox came equipped with an Ethernet port for broadband access to Internet. Microsoft also announced its own Web-based network on which gamers can come together for online head-to head play and for organised online matches and tournaments. Subscribers to this service were to pay a small monthly fee and must have high-speed access to the Internet. This is a potential drawback considering that a very low percentage of households world over currently have broadband connections. By contrast Sony promoted an open network, which allows software developers to manage their own games, including associated fees charged to users. However, interested players must purchase a network adapter for an additional $39. 99. Although game companies are not keen on the prospect of submitting to the control of a Microsoft-controlled network, it would require a significant investment for them to manage their own service on the Sony-based network. Initially the price of Microsoftââ¬â¢s X box was $299. Prior to the introduction of Xbox, in a competitive move Sony dropped the price of the PlayStation 2 to $299. Nintendoââ¬â¢s GameCube already enjoyed a significant price advantage, as it was selling for $100 less than either Microsoft or Sony products. Gamers eagerly snapped up the new consoles and made 2001 the best year ever for video game sales. For the first time, consumers spent $9. 4 billion on video game equipment, which was more than they did at the box office. By the end of 2001 holiday season, 6. million PlayStation 2 consoles had been sold in North America alone, followed by 1. 5 million Xbox units and 1. 2 million Game Cubes. What ensued was an all out price war. This started when Sony decided to put even more pressure on the Microsoftââ¬â¢s Xbox by cutting the PlayStation 2 price to $199. Microsoft quickly matched that price. Wanting to maintain its low-price status, Nintendo in turn responded by reducing the price of its the GameCube by $50, to $149. By mid 2002, Microsoft Xbox had sold between 3. 5 and 4 million units worldwide. However, Nintendo had surpassed Xbox sales by selling 4. million Game Cubes. Sony had the benefit of healthy head start, and had shipped 32 million PlayStation 2s. However, seven years after the introduction of original PlayStation, it was being sold in retail outlets for a mere $49. It had a significant lead in terms of numbers of units in homes around the world with a 43 per cent share. Nintendo 64 was second with 30 per cent, followed by Sony PlayStation 2 with 14 per cent. The Xbox and GameCube each claimed about 3 per cent of the market, with Sega Dreamcast comprising the last and least market share of 4. 7 per cent. Sega, once an industry leader, announced in 2001 that it had decided to stop producing the Dreamcast and other video game hardware components. The company said it would develop games for its competitorsââ¬â¢ consoles. Thus Sega slashed the price of the Dreamcast to just $99 in an effort to liquidate its piled up inventory of more than 2 million units and immediately began developing 11 new games for the Xbox, four for PlayStation 2, and three for Nintendoââ¬â¢s Game Boy Advance. As the prices of video game consoles have dropped, consoles and games have become the equivalent of razors and blades. This means the consoles generate little if any profit, but the games are a highly profitable proposition. The profit margins on games are highly attractive, affected to some degree by whether the content is developed by the console maker (such as Sony) or by an independent game publisher (such as Electronic Arts). Thus, the competition to develop appealing, or perhaps even addictive, games may be even more intense than the battle among players to produce the best console. In particular, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft want games that are exclusive to their own systems. With that in mind, they not only rely on large in-house staffs that design games but they also pay added fees to independent publishers for exclusive rights to new games. The sales of video games in 2001 rose to 43 per cent, compared to just 4 per cent increase for computer-based games. But computer game players are believed to be a loyal bunch, as they see many advantages in playing games on their computers rather than consoles. For one thing, they have a big advantage of having access to a mouse and a keyboard that allow them to play far more sophisticated games. In addition, they have been utilizing the Internet for years to receive game updates and modifications and to play each other over the Web. Sony and Microsoft are intent on capturing a portion of the online gaming opportunity. Even Nintendo has decided to make available a modem that will allow GameCube users to play online. As prices continue to fall and technology becomes increasingly more sophisticated, it remains to be seen whether these three companies can keep their names on the industryââ¬â¢s list of ââ¬Å"hig h scorersâ⬠.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Jewish Marriage Essay
Marriage is a significant part of Judaism bringing together a woman and man under Godââ¬â¢s reign. It is the mitzvah (122) ââ¬Å"To marry a wife by means of ketubah and keddushinâ⬠(Deut 22:13), all Jewish adherents see marriage as a necessity in order to obey God and to experience the fullness of life. In Genesis God says: ââ¬Å"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. â⬠It is a link between individuals and the wider community as it recognises two individuals coming together, celebrated by the wider community. Also the marriage ceremony itself contains symbolic significance to Judaism, conveying Jewish beliefs through symbols, actions and words. The mitzvah of marriage is especially important as it involves what Jews believe to be the purpose of human life: unity to procreate. This belief is modelled by the creation story in Genesis where Adam is made a partner (Eve) through one of his ribs ââ¬Å"For this reason man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wifeâ⬠(Genesis). The idea of a ââ¬Å"bashertâ⬠or ideal partner makes marriage especially important as it creates a bond between two souls, just like Adam and Eve, fulfilling Godââ¬â¢s will. Once unity between woman and man is achieved, a married couple are able to carry out the next mitzvah (125): ââ¬Å"To have children with oneââ¬â¢s wifeâ⬠to fulfil Godââ¬â¢s wish to ââ¬Å"be fruitful and multiplyâ⬠(Gen 1:28). Due to this law Jewish people see marriage as the only way of being able to have children, so in marriage, a Jew is able to adhere to two mitzvoth. To be Jewish one has to be born of a Jewish marriage; therefore, Jewish marriages are significant ensuring Judaism remains through generations due to procreation and the adherence of individuals marrying.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Dairy Industry in Pakistan
While comparing the value of milk with other cash crops, it was mentioned that milk had a value about 60% higher as compared to both wheat and cotton together. The land of Pakistan is benefited with both irrigated plains through mighty Indus river with its tributaries and desert areas like Scholastic and Thereafter. Pakistan is expended from costal range areas in the south to the alpine pastures in the north and has variability in topography, rainfall, immunity, temperature, plant and animal species, social and cultural heritage.So Larry development Is not only name to meet ten growing means AT animal protein but for socioeconomic reasons as dairy animals provide regular cash income, economic utilization of family labor, create social security and supply growing markets. Milk production is an extremely labor intensive occupation, however, in many countries of the world including Pakistan, it is the most productive way of converting crop residues and agro industrial wastes into valuab le food.But due to biological and technical constrains like shortage of feed, high mortality rate, poor emetic potential etc; socio economic constraints like high input cost, scarcity of sources, inadequate marketing systems, commercial feed industry and policy constraints render this sector undeveloped and truly in a miserable condition. The main objective of this article is to review the potentials, problems and solutions pertaining to dairying in Pakistan. Main features of dairy sector in Pakistan.Dairy industry in Pakistan has similar characteristics, like other developing Asian nations, which include small herd, poor genetic potential of animals for milk, low quality deeds, high risks of epidemics, improper marketing channels, lack of technical man power for dairy industry, high environmental stresses, reproductive failure and high udder abnormalities, orthodox management practices, poor extension services and lack of commercial rations. Despite of all above problems, dairy ani mals, mainly buffalo and cattle are producing 26. 4 million tones of milk in Pakistan (Agriculture Statistics, 1999-2000).Per capita availability of milk in Pakistan is 82. 4 Keg annually. This quantity of milk provides more than half of the 17. 4 g of animal protein available or each Pakistani daily. But Pakistan still has to import dry milk and other milk products e. G. Butter, cheese, yogurt, cream, whey etc. Every year to fulfill the ever increasing demands for milk and milk products. During year 1999-2000 Pakistan expended about 1213. 5 million rupees of valuable foreign exchange to import the milk and milk products (Agricultural Statistics, 1999-2000).The increasing demands for dairy products are attributed to high population growth rate and rapid arbitration. Population of buffalo and cattle. Pakistan owns about 23. 3 million heads of buffalo Agriculture Statistics 1999-2000). The buffalo population increased about 14. 7% during the last 6 years from 1996 to 2001 in Pakistan. Population trends indicate that their number is likely to further increase in future (Khan, 1998) Punjab, Kinds, NFW and Balloonists provinces contribute 64, 28, 7 and 1%, respectively, to the total buffalo population of the country (Livestock Scenes, 1996).These figures indicate that most of the buffaloes are present in irrigated areas and along riversides of the country. About 60% of the total buffalo stock is, female buffalo stock, of above three years of age. It is estimated that about 8. 7 million heads of buffalo are in milk, remaining either in dry stage or not yet calved. About 0. 42 million buffalo bulls are available either for breeding or for work purposes. According to Economic Survey (1999-2000) of Pakistan about 22. 4 million heads of cattle are available in Fig. 1.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
HIS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
HIS - Assignment Example 4. What group was targeted for employment in American factories? American factories targeted poor recent immigrants to work. Irish, German, and French immigrants worked in American factories in the first half of the 19th century. 5. How did banks stimulate the economy? Banks stimualated the economy by lending money to entrepeneurs who wanted to capitalize on the ever-growing American movement West. They also helped finance speculators buying real estate and investing in industrialization. 6. Why did voter turnout continue to rise in the 1830s?Voter turnout continued to rise in the 1830s because more and more people were given the opportunity to vote. Voting was becoming more democratized, with less restrictions on people to vote (ie. Land owning, Christian, etc.). As America settled westward, more people were involved politically. 7. What had happened to the Republican Party by the election of 1832?By 1832, the Republican party of Jefferson had crumbled, replaced by the Democrats and the common man party of Andrew Jackson and the federalist Whig Party. It would reappear in the 1850s with Abraham Lincoln and an anti-slavery focus, and continue to be the Republican party of modern times. 8. What most defined Jacksons presidency?ANdrew Jacksonââ¬â¢s presidency was most defined by the first election of a ââ¬Å"self-made man.â⬠He was not highly educated or an Eastern elite, but a westerner, a sel-made man, and a man of battle, who represented the common man and the West in his ascendancy to the presidency. Some would say his ignoring the US Supreme Court in Worcester v Georgia and moving the American Indians westward on the Trail of Tears to be an infamous legacy as well. to save them? Why?Of course, there were other ways to ââ¬Å"saveâ⬠the American Indians of the East, but would have come at a cost to American expansion and
Monday, October 7, 2019
HR Apple company Leadership and Motivation&Reward Essay
HR Apple company Leadership and Motivation&Reward - Essay Example Apple Computer Inc. is a company that has gained universal recognition due to its innovative and branded hardware and software that are easy to use, powerful and more elegant as compared to those of their rivals (Carlopio, Andrewartha & Armstrong 2004, p. 217). However, this positive innovation can be attributed to the leadership practices and motivation and reward that are exercised by the management team of this company. This paper will therefore critically evaluate the effect and contribution of leadership practices and motivation on the performance of Apple Computer Inc. and other organizations. For this purpose, the paper aims at providing the clear definitions of leadership and motivation and reward, thereby critically examining different theories appropriate to these practices. According to Gibb, leadership is the process of influence whereby principled and authoritative individuals exercise high level of influence over the subjects or followers than the subjects did over them (qtd in Ladkin 2010, p. 35). Gibb therefore recognized leadership as a processes in which an individual exercised due influence on another in order to complete an assigned task or to achieve a certain objective. On the other hand Marshall describes transformational leadership as the a leadership style whereby a leader identifies an absolute need for change in the organization, formulates a vision that will ââ¬Å"guide the change through inspirationâ⬠and lastly, executes the change with the help and commitment of others (2011, p. 3). Transformational leaders therefore tend to work towards achieving extraordinary positive results. Transformational leadership theory has interested of many organizational leaders over the past few years. According to Givens, this theory was established in 1978 by Burns (2008, p. 4). This theory is based on the ability of the leader to provide motivation to the subjects in order to accomplish the general set
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