p211q a little boy etc p215 wept for the end of innonce, darkenss of mans tonep216 what did did it meanp203 sniggered p207 if only one had magazine to have in mind p208 think p209 repitition naval division Two Interactions with Piggy Shut up productive person p16 * Piggy is also the fire-starter in the novel since his furnish be used to light all the flames. When Piggys glasses are broken, it symbolically points to the breaking up of civilized society. When his glasses are stolen by the savages, he becomes completely blind and helpless. He cannot even grab to dodge the large bould er that kills him. When he is killed, he is ! clutching the conch, a symbol of magnitude and authority; appropriately, the conch is crushed with him. Section Three Islands reaction to them Section Four Narrative perspective End of the novel p195-216 Killing the pig Simons expiry * This is Ralphs one lapse into savagery, but the guilt he experiences after he is involved in Simons destruction is unbearable and it...If you want to get a full essay, revision it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com
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